Return Forms

 Return Information :

*You'll need to return your item within 14 days from delivery

*It's not possible to return sale, personalised or 'made to order' items

* You'll receive a refund if your exchange item of choice is out of stock at the time

* The items must be unworn/unused. It's not possible to receive a refund after washing etc

* Returned items will take up to 14 working days to process, from the day it arrives back to us

* If you're sending your item back out of choice, you're responsible for covering the cost of posting. If your item was incorrect or damaged, we will send the posting cost back to you via Shopify (the website).

*Please return item on a 2ND CLASS Royal Mail service, which at current rates cost £3.19, which will be the maximum we‘ll refund you, as packaging costs are to be considered too.

Please note, if you haven't got a printer, please send us a digital copy of the return form to our email


Download our return forms here :